CURRENT Weekly VALUATION RANKINGS- market discount rate 8.7%
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This table contains net present valuations (NPV) for the listed stocks calculated using a discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis. The DCF analysis is based on five year analyst consensus growth estimates. DCFHub has found a high degree of correlation between the calculated NPV and actual trading prices. The table is updated weekly. Updates typically occur between the Friday market close and the Monday market open.
By default, the table is sorted by the percentage increase in NPV from the previous week. An increase in the NPV is a bullish indicator when it is not caused by a stock split. Feel free to re-sort the table or download it from Onedrive or Google Fusion Tables to use as you see fit.
Datasets from previous weeks are available for in the archives. To get a sense of how individual tickers have responded to changes in valuation in the past, check out the valuation history charts visualization.
By default, the table is sorted by the percentage increase in NPV from the previous week. An increase in the NPV is a bullish indicator when it is not caused by a stock split. Feel free to re-sort the table or download it from Onedrive or Google Fusion Tables to use as you see fit.
Datasets from previous weeks are available for in the archives. To get a sense of how individual tickers have responded to changes in valuation in the past, check out the valuation history charts visualization.
All data presented on this site is for information only and is not intended as investment advice.